We included additional house moving tips to make your move easier.
Label your moving boxes
Set aside 2 moving boxes and label them ESSENTIALS and NECESSITIES:
- The ESSENTIALS box is for the important things like TV remotes, keys, zip lock bags (containing screws, bolts and tools for the reassembly of beds and furniture), moving paperwork, important family and pet documents (medical, school, etc)
- The NECESSITIES box contains life’s necessities; the kettle, tea and coffee, medications, easy breakfast foods, children’s special toys, phone chargers, toiletries, snacks, corkscrew, light bulbs and stanley knives (to open moving boxes), bed linen and towels, and a spare change of clothes for everyone.
Prepare an inventory
As you pack for the move, prepare an inventory of everything you own, noting any scratches or dents. As part of this process label all moving boxes clearly, giving each box a number, the room it is for, and contents. This helps with the inventory but is also a great way to prioritise unpacking.
Assemble beds first
Assemble beds as a priority, especially for children. It helps maintain children’s routines, and there is nothing better than hopping into a clean bed after a hectic day of moving.
Choose the right box size
When packing, a good rule of thumb is that the larger the box, the lighter the contents. Use smaller moving boxes for heavier items. Always place heavier items at the bottom of the box and lighter items on top.
Separate a set of clothes for the move
If you go with a professional packing service, make sure you leave out a couple of sets of clothes and items you will need for the day prior to moving, moving day and the day after.
Choose the right wrapping paper
Instead of using newspaper to wrap breakables, which can dirty items due to the print, simply use crushed butchers paper.
Help your pets adjust to a new home
After you have moved into your new house, keep cats inside for at least a few days to de-stress and get familiar with their new house.
Leave out personal items
For your own peace of mind, take personal and sentimental items in your car with you.